湿地是指具有显著生态功能的自然或者人工的、常年或者季节性积水地带、水域,包括低潮时水深不超过六米的海域,但是水田以及用于养殖的人工的水域和滩涂除外。 The term wetland refers to natural or artificial, perennial or seasonal waterlogged areas and waters, including sea areas with a depth of less than 6 meters at low tide, but excluding paddy fields, waters used for aquaculture, or artificial mud flats.

每形成一片湿地,就会有上千个物种找到家园;每建造一片湿地,就能拥有更加完整的生态。在这里,物种生生不息,绵延不绝。 Every natural wetland is home to thousands of species. Every man-made wetland adds to a more comprehensive ecology. Here, species grow generations after generations, keeping the natural environment alive.

何谓湿地,在水一方;蛙鸣鸟叫,跃入其中;百草丰茂,沉潜于此;荷叶田田,观之采之;书中湿地,脍炙人口;未曾觉察?展之以阅。 What is wetland? It is an area of land covered or saturated with water. On the wetlands, frogs croak, birds sing, plants and grasses grow luxuriant and lush, like the lotus plants, thriving as a pretty sight and for practical harvest. Wetlands are often depicted in the books and pictures. If you haven’t been able to fully appreciated the beauty of wetland yet, please open this book to find it out yourself.

湿地,提供一种诗意,诗意之中却包含生命的张力。 Poetically, man dwells.
Wetlands offer just such poetic way of life, full of vitality.

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